Monday, February 14, 2011

Jimmy Jump does the Goyas

Local boy, Jimmy Jump (Jaume Marquet Cot) from Sabadell does it again. Yesterday he managed to get on stage and talk for 20 seconds during the "and the Goya goes to..." moment just before Javier Bardem was about to get the prize. Fellow Catalan, master of ceremonies Andreu Buenafuentes, didn't take it too well:
"Como catalán, me avergüenzo del imbécil que acaba de salir aquí. Lógicamente, no estaba en el guión. Aunque nuestros guionistas ya tienen ideas de dónde se puede meter la barretina"

As a Catalan, I am ashamed of the idiot who just got out here. Obviously, it was not in the script. Although our writers have some ideas of where to put the beret.

Given the general lameness of the ceremony, perhaps they should thank Jimmy for adding a little bit of life to the proceedings.


emma said...

this guy must have something important to say, no? can you translate for us, please?

M.D. said...

It appears that he didn't have such an important message to say; he just said that it was difficult to get there, that it wasn't the first time he did something like that, and that he dedicates the Goya to everyone who dares/d to do it as well...that's at least what I understood ;-)