Monday, January 25, 2010

Pesticide use in Spain

Sometimes people have the impression that there is less pesticide use here than other places. Unfortunately the reality is that the Spanish have no respect for chemicals. The more the better. The deadlier the better (no such thing as too clean, right?). Just empty out that bottle of ammonia all over the apartment!

This is in contrast to other countries like Germany, where there’s a general paranoia of all things wireless, chemical, or genetically engineered.

Spain also tops the list in Europe for use of illegally imported Chinese pesticide use, and the widespread use of greenhouses tends to concentrate the chemicals even more.

Luckily Barcelona and the surrounding area have a very strong organic (ecológico) farming industry. Unfortunately the prices are very high (I nearly had a heart attack when I walked into Veritas the first time), but there are alternatives such as farmers markets. There’s an organic market with fruit, vegies, honey, cheese, bread, etc at Placa de Pep Ventura on the last Saturday morning of every month.

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Anonymous said...

great and funny blog!
by an italian & an american "lost in la floresta"

santcugat said...

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

do you know which saturday? the first, 2nd...? gracias!

santcugat said...

The last Saturday (eg this upcoming Saturday). I've updated the post.