Monday, January 17, 2011

Those Americans are just not NORMAL

We overheard a cute conversation the other day on the FGC where two Catalan high-school students were talking the student exchange one of them did to the US:

“Did you know that they don’t put olive oil on their salads? They put all these weird sauces! And then they laughed at me when I put olive oil and salt on my bread! Those Americans are just not NORMAL! I couldn’t even make my pa amb tomaquet, so I just had to settle for olive oil and salt.”

The “not normal” phrase was repeated several more times in the conversation.


pb said...

sorry, dear writer of the blog, but with this blog you are doing exactely the same as those students, the difference is that you do it in a more subtle and sofisticaded way than they do.
or at least, this is the impression of a random reader. i am not saying that you are saying spanish/catalan people are not normal but at least the feeling is a "above of the shoulder look"...
that said, i am not spanish either, so don't get it personal, i found it "interesting" at least seeing how you make fun of those guys....

santcugat said...

What is an "above the shoulder look"? Is that one of those weird spanish expressions... sorry, I didn't mean to molest you.

Charles Butler said...

It means 'down your nose' in English.

santcugat said...

So here's how you do a Spanish "above the shoulder look": (I asked for a demonstration)

You turn your back to the target your scorn, turn you head to look at them sideways over your shoulder, raise one eyebrow, and sneer. It looks like something you'd see on a telenovela.

Charles Butler said...

La Pantoja does it pretty well.