Spanish (and in Italy, Greece, Portugal and Latin America) people learn in school that Australia is part of the continent of Oceania.
I suppose now everyone in Spain thinks that Australia and New Zealand must have really bad soccer teams, if Tahiti is the champion of Oceana.
I tried to explain that Australia is not part of Oceania (at least as considered by the Oceanians themselves), but I got the standard eye-rolling oh-my-god-how-can-you-think-something-so-stupid-when-everyone-learns-this-in-school look. I get that a lot.
You're so well educated... take it easy on the poor ignorant Spaniards...
I guess the point is how some people just think that their way is the "standard". Like americans and their god forsaken non-metric system...
The thinking on the quality of the New Zealand football team may be valid, since they came 3rd in the Oceania Nations Cup which was won by Tahiti.
If we base our geographical knowledge on football confederations then Australia is now part of Asia, and Israel has moved from Asia to Oceania before ending up as part of Europe.
I'm really curious, which continet is Australia then or is itconsidered a continet itself? True curiosity, no irony or anything (wrote things can be misinterpreted, you know)
Em... turns out Australia is part of Oceania ( Australia chose to participate in the Asian football (soccer) confederation a few years ago because the Oceanic one is - obviously - not competitive.
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