The Spanish ex-president (1982-1996) perhaps decided that his image needed a bit of whitewashing, since his claim to fame is having been the mysterious “Mr X”" who ran the GAL deathsquads in the 80s.
He will be the president of the foundation, along with one of his ex-ministers and his daughter as secretary.
Foundations in Spain are supposed to have some kind of social benefit in order to justify their tax advantages, one commentator:
Le ley solo debería permitir la creación de fundaciones y sus correspondientes beneficios fiscales, a las fundaciones que realmente tengan una finalidad social, es decir que el fin último de su función sea el beneficio de el pueblo. Y estos beneficios solamente les serán aplicables una vez hayan demostrado su utilidad. Si no debería plantearme crear una para el estudio y documentación de los horarios de las deposiciones de mi perro. Vergüenza ajena.
Well said.
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