Thursday, March 14, 2013

The quest for Spanish citizenship: Day 2

Last summer I made my first half-hearted attempt to start the Spanish citizenship process, and today I tried again take the first step, which is to get an appointment to get an appointment.

Sant Cugat depends on Rubi for nationality services, so you need to go to the Civil Registry in Rubi to get your appointment.

Juzgado de 1ª Instancia e Instrucción Nº 1 Registro Civil
Carrer de Pere Esmèndia, 15
08191 Rubi, Barcelona
935 883 041

So I went this morning at 8am to stand in line… turns out I was far too late. There are only 20 spots per day and people had been standing there since 6am. You got to wonder if Spain only wants citizens who are unemployed and can spend hours pwasting their time standing in line.

Tomorrow morning I will go at 6am and see what happens.

Current score: Spain 2, Me 0


Lee said...

I don't know if you've had any specific legal advice on this. I don't have nationality, but I've been here for 23 years and have permanent residency (or as they're calling it now, "residencia de larga duración"). A couple of times I had a gestoría do it, because they often can do some of the appointments for you or hand in papers so you don't have to wait in lines. And can you keep your US citizenship? Cause I'm not giving up mine.

santcugat said...

Well, from a Spanish perspective you won't be American anymore, but they won't demand that you go to the American consulate and give it up. The Americans won't give a rats ass what the Spanish think.

You would lose the ability to appeal to the US consulate if Spain puts you in jail.

Possibly you could lose your American citizenship if you join the Spanish army and Spain declares war on the US, but that seems unlikely.

Being here as an American is actually easier because you get to have a NIE card, which is denied to other European citizens. Instead we get this big piece of paper to carry around plus we have to carry our passports, since my home country only issues cards to actual residents. Funnily enough I went through the effort to get back my European citizenship when we moved here, as I thought it would be easier.